The 5 Creepiest Sex Toys Ever Made


Sep 21, 2004

The 5 Creepiest Sex Toys Ever Made

Posted by: Phil Dotree Filed in: sex
8:30AM, Tuesday November 24th 2009
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The stereotype out there is that women who buy and use sex toys are sexually free, independent-minded souls, while men who buy sex toys shouldn’t be living anywhere near a church or school. Hey, sex is sex—no big deal. Nobody should be shamed for a sex fetish, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.
However, that doesn’t stop the world from thinking that certain avenues of the sexual road map are, well, creepy.
Here’s a look at a few of the creepiest sex toys on the internet, and why they’re so disturbing.


5. Hello Kitty Vibrator ( This was actually already covered in The Frisky’s list of the “cutest sex toys.” Just because something’s cute, though, doesn’t mean it’s not insanely creepy. When you start to base your sex toys off of cartoons, well, at a certain point things get disturbing. And that point is precisely when a vibrator resembles a small cartoon kitten.
But maybe I’m overreacting. It’s not like the makers of the Hello Kitty vibrator are actively promoting the creepy innocence that this little vibrator exudes.
Creepiest Line From Product Description: “It’s finally back, and in three colors to boot, so pick up one (or three) if you’re looking for the perfect first-timer…” Oh, come on! Why even use the words “first timer” when referring to a cartoon dildo?
4. The Vamp Dildo ( This dildo is pale, like a vampire’s penis. It also sparkles. You know, like a vampire’s penis.
Since the “Twilight” books and movies are the only vampire series to portray vampires as “sparkling” (thereby officially making vampires into gay guys at a Cure concert, only not as terrifying), I’m forced to assume that this is a dildo intended for “Twilight” fans. You know, teenage girls.
And, given the vampire cast from the movie, I’m also forced to assume that you’re supposed to use this dildo while thinking about what’s basically a 106-year-old man. Or, if you go with just the body, a 16-year-old dead boy. It seems to really effectively portray, you know, the whole undead, lifeless, worm-ridden corpse thing. And it sparkles. Look, the bottom line: this product is far creepier than any vampire movie.
Creepy Quote from Product Description: “The Vamp really does seem like a bloodless, beautiful, undead cock.” No word on how the reviewer knows what that would possibly feel like or who would possibly want that.
3. The Accomodator ( The Accomodator, a chin strap with a big ol’ dildo attached to it, is designed for men or women to wear when performing cunnilingus. It penetrates the receiving partner, leading to a highly sensuous experience. All right, what’s wrong with that? There’s nothing creepy about using a bit of cool technology to help your partner have a good time. I don’t see any reason that the .... OH HOLY HELL!
The Accomodator just makes you look like the first draft of Pinocchio gone horrible, horribly wrong. It seems like there should be a lot easier ways to give someone an orgasm than making yourself look like someone put on Tommy Lee’s penis on Jay Leno’s chin.
Creepiest Line from Product Description: “The latex straps wrap around your head, allowing you to keep the dildo in place to to thrust it erotically!” Keep in mind that this is on your chin. If the receiving partner looks down, she’ll think you’re doing a “Night At The Roxbury” parody about ten years too late.
2. Magic Dalmatian Dog Penis Dildo ( OK, now we’re hitting some heavyweight levels of creepy. The Dog Penis dildo is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a great tool for simulating sex with a dog. The product description notes that it’s the medium-size model. They also note that ” ... we also have the Vixen, the largest member of the family; the Neo, a smaller member, and the Uni, the smallest.”
While I like that they named their second-smallest dog penis after Keanu Reeves’ character in “The Matrix,” that doesn’t kill the horror of knowing that one size of fake dog penis wasn’t enough. There’s enough demand that the fake dog penis company has four separate models of fake dog penis? That is, in the words of my grandmother, “a hell of a lot of fake dog penis.”
On the plus side, this product’s inflatable, so if you ever go whitewater rafting it could potentially serve as the world’s most awkward flotation device.
Creepiest Line From Product Description: “Without question this is the closest experience to the real thing that you can have. This product is worth every cent of its price.” This is clearly written by someone who has tried several alternatives.


1. RealDolls ( Granted, we didn’t cover a lot of sexual ground in this article. Mainly, we’ve looked at various creepy dildos, and you’re probably wondering why I don’t venture off the beaten path (no pun intended).
Well, that’s because when you travel off the beaten path, you run into RealDolls. And they eat your soul. Oh, yes, they do.
RealDolls are designed to be the most lifelike possible simulation of a human being, though they can’t move on their own, of course. And you’ve got to give it to the makers of RealDolls; these things look a lot like people. The thing is, the closer you get to “replacing human contact with a masturbation toy,” the creepier you get, too. It’s compounded by the fact that there are entire internet communities set up around RealDolls. Seriously. This is icky stuff. Ryan Gosling made it look sexy, but, in actuality, it is not.
I’m going to forgo the creepy product description on this one to tell you all about the RealDoll Doctor. He’s an actual, real human being, not a RealDoll, and he cleans out and repairs ... er, used RealDolls. For a living. That’s how he makes his money. His site just went offline, and soon he’ll be back in the business of RealDoll repair.
Man, that Vamp Dildo is starting to look pretty wholesome.
Find a creepier sex toy? Post in the comments section below this article.

New member
Mar 29, 2007
3. The Accomodator ( The Accomodator, a chin strap with a big ol’ dildo attached to it.


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
My oh my....

Local RxForum bud 5TeamParlay owes me a round of adult beverages for failing to include Pics with this here thread

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
"The Accomodator"


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
okay....slack for 5TParlay

seems the "magic dalmation dildo" is a bit too twisted for me to post in OS Forum


The Guy Who Started the Janet Jackson/MikeJackson poll thread

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
And the "Vamp Dildo" is just a regular ol' dildo....the pics I found in Search included an "I Sparkle!" logo

Sep 21, 2004

Tenga: The Tenga is the latest in crazy things to stick a penis in, straight from some bonerfied geniuses in Japan. It’s a pre-lubed penis stroker, so you just pull off a seal and bang it. The encasing is soft so you can adjust the pressure by how hard you squeeze it. Lastly, it’s disposable, so once you’ve deposited your bitter-sweet memories, throw it away. The shame of masturbating is thwarted, once more!

Sep 21, 2004

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'I sell orgasms for a living!' Mother, 45, reveals how she ditched her nine-to-five property job to design SEX toys – and claims her gadgets have helped to save relationships

  • Amanda Smith, 45, works as a sex toy designer for Essex firm Bondara
  • Mother-of-one ditched her 9-5 job to take care of her daughter Kayla, 10
  • Says that the gadgets she designs have even helped restore relationships
PUBLISHED: 04:09 EDT, 26 October 2018 | UPDATED: 11:03 EDT, 26 October 2018

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A mother has revealed how her latest job as a sex toy designer has re-ignited her passion for work.
Describing her job as 'selling orgasms' Amanda Smith, 45, said her business meetings usually involve discussions about sex, fetishes and fantasies.
Regarded as a 'sexologist' by her friends, Amanda, of Royston, Hertfordshrie, said: 'Basically, I sell orgasms for a living and, in business meetings, the topic of conversation can go anywhere - we discuss every fetish and fantasy.
'I was talking to an accountant two weeks ago and had to explain to him how a willy ring worked while discussing budgets. Just another ordinary day.'

Sex toy designer Amanda Smith says that her job 'selling orgasms' has reignited her passion for the workplace

As head of buying at Essex firm Bondara - an online adult sex shop - Amanda, whose partner, Tony, 46, is director of a luxury car firm, is responsible for everything from organising testing panels to designing the saucy toys.
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She said: 'Designing a sex toy is like going back to a biology lesson, I have to think about different nerves, different areas, and ways to stimulate them - this helps determine a lot about a toy.



'Once I get the basic biology side of things sorted, that's when I start to put fun add-ons onto the toys, like vibrations and rotations and different textures to create new sensations.
'I have to cater to a huge market. Different interests, fantasies and fetishes are always on my mind. I focus on the G spots, C spots and P spots - a lot of spots to think about.'

As head of buying at Essex firm Bondara - an online adult sex shop - Amanda (pictured with a sex doll) is responsible for everything from organising testing to designing the saucy toys


Amanda swapped her 9-5 job working at a company inspecting buildings so that she could spend more time taking care of her 10-year-old daughter Kayla (pictured together)

Amanda, whose daughter Kayla is 10 years old, swapped the nine to five - running a company inspecting buildings - for her current role in 2016. She had previously worked as senior buyer for sex toys and lingerie firm Ann Summers.
She said: 'I left this kind of business for a while, as, a single mum, it gave me flexibility to look after my daughter, who thinks it's great that her mum works so independently.
'But, working in property, I spent too much time alone and I'm a gregarious person. This suits me far better.'
Claiming she has never looked back, Amanda's job has also built her an unusual reputation with her friends.
She said: 'They envy me having such a fantastic job. I am their sexologist and relationship expert in the psychology of sex and intimacy.

Amanda's partner of two years, Tony (pictured) is unfazed by her occupation compared to previous lovers whom she says have 'assumed she was promiscuous'


The mother-of-one says that she and Tony enjoy a 'varied and dynamic' sex life and are never afraid to push boundaries

'As for meeting new people, when they find out what I do, there's often an immediate outburst of excitement, followed by a download of their sexual experiences and questions about their curiosities.'
Meanwhile, her partner-of-two years is unfazed by her saucy line of work.
She said: 'He's interested in who I am, not what I do. But men I've dated before him have assumed I was promiscuous and have overstepped the mark very quickly.
'One ex even introduced me, saying, 'This is my girlfriend and she works as a buyer for Ann Summers.'
'After that, people were more interested in my job than getting to know me for who I am.'

She says that the adult toy industry is deeply demanding and she is always on the lookout for the 'next new thrill'. Pictured: Amanda in her stock room

Amanda says her line of work has made her completely unshockable.
She said: 'I have so much exposure to the sex industry that there isn't much I haven't seen. The world of online porn has meant there isn't a corner or crevasse which I haven't seen for my research.
'Some things have made me more curious about what people want but, so far, nothing has taken me by surprise - other than bondage, which can be a bit 'out there.
'When the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy hit screens we saw an overnight boom in demand for sex toys.
'After viewers saw the scene which features the spreader bar - a piece of bondage equipment - the toy completely sold out. There was a 50 Shades effect across the whole market place, from M&S to the likes of us.'
But designing sex toys is not all about thrills - as it can be deeply demanding in a highly competitive market.

Amanda claims that her toys have even helped to 'restore' some couples' relationships

She said: 'Our toys need to be able to give people a climax and that's a lot to ask. We also have to try and spot the 'next new thrill.'
'I try to see the new popular toy design before the customer knows they even want it.'
Selling orgasms comes with the additional perk of creating true happiness for some couples, according to Amanda.
She explained: 'It's great, I've been able to help couples restore relationships with the use of sex toys. Although my job is all about making sure customers have sexual pleasure, it's also about helping people mentally, by making them feel happier, too.
'I've had reviews from customers saying they hadn't had sex in 12 years, but one of my toys helped them break through. When I go home after reading comments like that I think, 'I've done my job well today'.'
And, like any true professional, Amanda happily practices what she preaches.
She continued: 'I enjoy a varied and dynamic sex live with my partner and am never too shy to push a boundary … it makes life exciting, doesn't harm anyone and certainly increases the bond between us.
'And yes, I try the products myself. I love trying new toys and have favourites for different moods or occasions - whether it's for solo play or with my partner.
'And if I'm confident about the product we sell, then it's a win win situation.
'Life is short and people should embrace their sexuality. Toys will not hurt or harm, but will bring pleasure and fun.
'Why have plain, boring old vanilla ice cream, when you could add some exciting sprinkles and turn it into a delicious experience you're unlikely to forget!'

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